Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sonor - Ascent Series

I traded off a ton of gear for these. But they sure are purty!

I wanted one really nice kit to leave to the kids after I'm gone, LOL.

I'll have them out for their maiden voyage. at Doc & Ray's in Holts Summit this Saturday, Nov. 19!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Crash Landing at the BoobieFest Saturday night!

Crash Landing, Mid-MO's most versatile band, lol, will be at the BoobieFest Costume Gala Halloween Party this Saturday night at the Elks Lodge in Columbia, MO.

This is a party/feast/silent auction to benefit breast cancer awareness and treatment, and it's for a good cause! Come on out, prizes for best costume and lots of fun to be had by all!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Five words to live by.

Listen. Talk. Learn. Love. Laugh. Do these frequently. Repeat as needed.

Playing Nice with Others

I'm seldom without a music project. Sometimes, I have too many going on at once, and I get myself into scheduling conflicts. I've been trying to pare it down lately, and concentrate on one project band at a time, but it's hard for me to turn down work. I love to do sub/sit-in jobs.

But why do I keep getting offers to play? I'm really, honestly not that great a drummer. I taught myself by listening to records - there weren't many drum teachers in Winfield, Kansas back in the mid-sixties, after all. My time is not perfect, but close at best.

But I'll share my own humble reasoning on how to get and keep a sit-in gig:

1. Listening - some drummers just plow through a song like they're driving a school bus on an ice rink, missing subtle cues given by the lead player or singer, or simply not paying attention to the song structure. If there's a singer/leader, watch his foot. Watch the lead players for body gestures and eye contact/communication!

2. Attitude - I'm not "all that," and neither are you. No one likes a prima donna, lord knows I've played my share of gigs with them. Be up front about what you expect and pay attention to what's expected of you.

3. It's all about the song - NOT about how fast you can play or how many fancy fills you can do. Keep it simple, play the song, and everybody gets along.

4. While I'm at it, I have to mention: STOP 'noodling' between songs! I've seen so many musicians who need to test out a new riff in between songs, both at rehearsal and onstage. I know, I've done it myself...and it's annoying. Pros practice at home - and PLAY at the gig. :)

5. Learn to sing, on pitch, and learn the difference between 'harmony' and 'backup' singing. If all you can do is shout a few syllables at the mic now and then, leave the mic at home, and don't advertise as a 'backup' singer unless you can honestly sing harmony. I know that's why I get some gigs. I can hear and sing harmony notes for some reason. No idea why or how, it just happens, but it can be a valuable commodity to a small combo.

6. The most important job as a drummer, for me, is to make the rest of the band feel comfortable. Support what the rest of the band is doing musically, and be smooth about it. Lock in with the bass player as much as possible, and if the bass player is a train wreck, just keep the groove going.

With all these points in mind, I've somehow managed to work steadily for more than forty years, and I still can't play a decent paradiddle...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Busy weekend, anyone?

So....Friday night is a social family thing, but Saturday...senior portrait shoot at 8:00 a.m., blues jam rehearsal at 1:00 p.m., and a paid gig at 8:00 p.m. with Faded Youth, followed by drumming at Woodcrest Sunday morning, rehearsal starts at 7:45 a.m.!

I clearly don't have time to get old! hahaha

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let's start over, shall we?

Some of you know me as a photographer/graphic designer.

Some of you know me as a musician.

Still others know me as...well, we don't have to go THERE.

Most of you who have visited my website know that I haven't updated my blog very often, and shame on me for gross neglect, even though I don't think I had many readers anyway. :)

So, although I let my regular photo website expire (because I'm basically semi-retired from the wedding photo business), I thought I'd start fresh by posting a few things here just in case anyone gave a sh...I mean, read it much.

So, I think I'll concentrate on whatever pops into my head and see if anyone's paying attention.

Mostly I'll be writing about my past adventures on the music scene, or rants about this or that, or where I might be playing music lately, or my disjointed opinions about assorted issues.

First off, I play drums in a rock n' roll band called
Crash Landing. I've been playing drums since I was 13, guitar since about 14. I got my first taste of playing music in front of people at about 16. I've been addicted to the stage ever since. I don't think I've gone more than a month or two without being involved in some type of music project.

I also have been involved in an Oldies band called
Faded Youth. I'm trying to wean myself to just one main project, but it ain't easy.

You see, I'm a dirty, rotten whore when it comes to music, just without the lipstick and fishnet hose, haha.

My wife says music is my mistress. If the phone rings, and someone offers a casual gig for me to play, I can't resist. I don't care what style of music, I can usually B.S. my way through any kind of gig, and I like those impromptu things, because they make me THINK.

I'm married to Jennifer, my best friend and severist critic. She keeps me grounded while encouraging my freedom to express myself with whatever project/crazy scheme/idiot pursuit I may have at the time. She and I have a son, Miles, who will be five at the end of October (who says old guys can't have kids?), and I have three other grown-up sons, James, Levi and Adam. More about all of them later.

I think about a lot of things. Music, religion, kids, politics, food, plump girls, all kinds of stuff. I'll post lots of junk, plus random photos, of cool but possibly meaningless crap, if I think anyone is reading, so leave comments if you get through all this. Maybe I'll become the Andy Rooney of the internet, who knows? Ehhh...forget that part. I'm not that grouchy.

I guess I've rambled enough, so I'll close with something my wife said that I try to think about when the struggle gets to me:

"Your dreams, minus your fears, equal your reality."

Dude....that's heavy.